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E-Bike Riding Among Others - See what an adjacent city, Irvine,  is addressing on their Police info:

Maintenance of structures and facilities 


UPDATE: Voting Results at San Remo Park suggested park benches and picnic tables.  As for the unused volleyball court, it has been suggested we install three picnic tables and two grills; also, demonstrate the viability of native plants. Note:  many votes were received for the other options, (pickle-ball courts) and we will see if it could fit in Santa Vittoria Park next to the existing tennis court.


Maximum benefit improvements at the Santa Maria Entry Park

  • Picnic Tables

  • Park Benches

  • Public Art Installation

Community Signage for 'Laguna Terrace'

  • San Remo at Santa Maria (retain existing) refurbished planting area

  • San Remo at Santa Vittoria - installed new sign and plants

  • Barbera at Santa Vittoria - considering: install new sign and plants


Specifications and maintenance of fencing along streets

  • Fencing consistencies - repaint block wall? - 

  • Wood fencing maintenance How do we inspire 'renters' or owners?

  •  Landscaping walls

    • Paint block walls​ ie.: Teramo Wall - green

    • Ridge Route Concrete Walls

      • spots of graffiti ​and water damage...................>

Cul-de-sac Island Maintenance

  • Shade trees - Jacaranda instead of palms?

  • Quality of grass ?

  • Is there one that should be landscaped for no water?

Composite of Wall.jpg



A recent article about trees

and community wealth:

July 1, 2021

By Yaryna Serkez

New York Times

Graphics Editor, Opinion

As a record heat wave moves across the Pacific Northwest, some Americans are lucky to seek refuge in the cooling shade of the surrounding trees. But who gets to enjoy these lower temperatures travels along the typical lines of inequality in America: income and race.

From Los Angeles to Boston, lower-income communities and communities of color live in areas with a higher share of impervious surfaces such as parking lots, highways and dense residential buildings. A new tool developed by the conservation group American Forests has shown that some wealthy neighborhoods enjoy almost 50 percent more greenery compared to lower-income communities.

There is also a direct link between discriminatory policies of the past and who gets to live in green areas today. Decades of redlining have limited investments and economic growth in nonwhite and immigrant neighborhoods. Today, most prestigious areas graded “A” have, on average, twice as many trees as those deemed “D-graded,” a recent study shows.

This environmental inequality has huge ripple effects. In a warming world, trees have become critical infrastructure, preventing about 1,200 heat-related deaths in America each year while also boosting educational performance, improving physical and mental healthlowering crime rates and fostering economic opportunities.

So what would it take to provide all Americans with equal access to greenery?

This is the question I take on with Ian Leahy, the vice president of urban forestry at American Forests, in my latest analysis for Opinion. According to the tool his organization developed, Americans would need to plant 522 million more trees to reach green equity. We explore how American cities could achieve this ambitious goal and how both public and private sectors could make our cities healthier and safer for everyone.

The effort to plant more trees would pay dividends — improving health, quality of life and slowing climate change, all while supporting over three million jobs, especially in neighborhoods that need it most.

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